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                  People oriented, culture oriented, morality oriented
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                  People oriented, culture oriented, morality oriented
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                  People oriented, culture oriented, morality oriented

                About us

                Weifang Huaheng Power Co., Ltd. was established in 2010. The company covers an area of 60,000 square meters and has a workshop of 42,000 square meters. It is a diesel engine enterprise integrating R&D, production and sales. It has advanced production lines, sophisticated testing equipment, a complete quality management system, a group of high-quality engineering and technical personnel and an honest and dedicated workforce.

                  The company's leading products are 2110, 490, 495, K4100, R4105, ZH4100, R6105, R6126 series diesel engines, power from 18KW-320KW, speed 1500-2800r/min. Widely used in power generation equipment, agricultural machinery, construction machinery, trucks and marine machinery and other fields, the generator set covers 20kw-2000kw. It is sold in all provinces, cities and autonomous regions across the country, and exported to Southeast Asia, Africa, South Asia, West Asia and other regions. In order to ensure quality and meet the requirements of international development, our company has passed the ISO9001:2008 quality system certification.

                  The company takes "survive by quality, develop by reputation, and put users first" as its corporate policy. The company has always been committed to the development strategy of building a century-old enterprise, adheres to the corporate culture concept of "people-oriented, cultured people, and morality", firmly believes in the quality concept of "quality is life, and life is only once", with "in the hearts of consumers." "Made Huaheng high-value brand" as the business philosophy of the company, to create high-quality machines, to be high-quality people, pragmatic innovation, integrity and win-win, unity and fairness, and seek common development.




                HUAHENG POWER

                Hot Online:400-188-6105

                Manager Yin:18653688258 15169680999
                Add:Weifang City, Anqiu 206 National Road Toll Station, 1 km north of the west



